“Come follow me and I will make you fishers of people.”  Mark 1:17


Welcome to the 603 Gospel Challenge! We are a collaborative NH ministry sponsored by Come Follow Me Inc.
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Forming Great Commission outreach teams to reach every NH community.


Equipping individuals, families, and churches to make missionary disciples engaging and impacting every NH community with the Gospel.


10 Regional Outreach Teams comprised of Great Commission Outreach Teams to reach every network in every NH community!

Why are we dedicated to the 603 Gospel Challenge?  NH is at the bottom of church attendance and religious practice in all of America—so the Lord has “challenged” us to respond to his call!  The 603GC is based on our John 17:23 calling to prayer, Gospel unity, evangelism, and the Great Commission (Matt 28:19) to become “missionary disciples,” each sharing the one Gospel (Gal 1:6) together to seek the peace and prosperity of the city (Jer 29:7) and care for the least (Matt 25, Isa 58).  We are challenging each other to turn to the Lord in repentance (2 Chron 7:14), to seek his constant guidance (Ps 127), and to hold to the hope we profess to spur one another on to love and good deeds (Heb 10:23,24).

What are the expectations of the “challenge”?  It comes from Heb 10:23,24 (and also Zech 8:20-21) and calls us to “challenge” ourselves to answer God’s call to make “missionary disciples” and then invite other ministries, churches, communities, and regions to answer the call with us.  Everyone is encouraged to carry out the call in the unique way that God is calling them.  At the same time, we expect that everyone that joins us in answering this call must hold to the “one Gospel” (Gal 1:6) so that all of us are holding to the essentials of the faith.  This includes the statements of faith of all our founding ministries, the ethics of the 10 Commandments, the experience of the Lord’s Prayer, and the beliefs of the Nicene Creed.

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What are the three levels of the challenge?  Since our Seacoast Gospel Movement took the challenge to equip every Christian in the Seacoast to reach every person in their region, we have also accepted their challenge to develop a comprehensive vision reaching everyone, evangelists, pastors, youth, young adults, recovery leaders, marketplace leaders, etc., based on three levels:


Who is taking the challenge?  How are you answering the call?

Add your ministry, church, denomination, community, or region.  Describe how you are answering the challenge and invite others to pray about how they will answer the call.  There are no “603GC Police,” so all our challenges are by personal witness and “as unto the Lord” (Col 3:23).  All the ministries and churches that become partners and all the leaders of our 603GC teams must affirm our faith statements because we must be faithful to the Gospel and lead by example, and all people are invited to join us in the journey. 


What is the next step?  It is very simple:  All of us are forming relationships with other Christians who are willing to answer the call together to connect to our regional/state teams and pray for the Lord’s guidance.  For more information:  DickKiernanNH@gmail.com.